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    If you have decided to make substantive life changes and start your career or move your business to China, this is the right site for you.

    If you are only curious and want to know more about China and life in this faraway eastern country, you are still at the right site.

    We are here to collect valid information for you – about life in China, about the current entry restrictions, obtaining a visa, conditions for your stay, the employment policy, the way they live, its economy and opportunities to grow your business further.

    We will introduce here the people who are now in China.

    Our main idea is to make your traveling easier and to help you cope with new life stories more quickly.

    Write to us and ask questions; enjoy making important life decisions. Our experienced team in China will find the answers and show you the right way.

      Friday May 13th, 2022

      Do International Students Come to China?

      In recent years, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the development of many fields in China’s education industry  …
      Thursday April 21st, 2022

      Facts On Employment In China

      As of 2019, about one million foreigners are working in China. Working in China offers multiple opportunities to expand one’s…
      Thursday March 31st, 2022

      6 Reasons Why Foreigners Get Deported from China

      As a foreigner living in China in modern times, you should expect to be under scrutiny. And if you break…
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