Life in China

10 Reasons For Working In China

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hina, as a touristic destination, is interesting to many and it would probably be difficult to find a person that does not have the wish to visiti it at least once. However, when talking about about life in China, many are horrified by the thought of moving over there.

China is not that conservative as we tend to initially perceive it and thereas is a lot of things that show that life and work in China can be a good option

This kind of attitude is a conseqeunce of many prejudices but as well the fact that we do not know enough about modern China and how it functions today.

China is not that conservative as we tend to initially perceive it and thereas is a lot of things that show that life and work in China can be a good option for the ones who for whatever reason think about moving over there.

This is just 10 of them:

1. Great economic possibilities

You have certanly had the chanse to hear in the media about the unbelivable economic growth of China in the past few years. And that is the truth. Chinese economy threatens to become the most powerful economy in the world while Chinese people themselves become richer, the cities are developing by the speed of light, the technological development is at its peak, and economy becomes even more developed by every day. On a daily basis there are new fabrics and working places opened which is an excellent opportunity for all people who wish to imigrate.

2. Rapid promotion at work

Chinese companies are specifically devoted to experts coming from Europe and other parts of the world. Your set of skills and expertise to help chinese companies to compete at the international market could bring you an opportunity to become the key person in a company. In other words, in China you can get promoted faster while promotion in the company brings higher wages.

3. Luxurious life with less money

In China life with a higher standard is much more available. With the salary you would receive in China, especially if you are an expert and employed in one of the higher positions within a company, you could rent and excellent appartment, eat quality food and get yourelf many things such as vacations on exotic destination and purchase of everything you would otherwise dream of.

4. Learning the language is much easier than it appears

Learning the basic Mandarin language is very simple although it might first not appear so. The grammar, for example, is much simpler than the one of English, French or German language. It is clear that you will need some time to reach a proficiency level but accomplishing some basic levels for a short period of time will allow you to manage your daily tasks.

5. Extraordinary Chinese hospitality

The Chinese people might appear at first as flegmatic but once you introduce yourselves to them and get to know them better you will discover one of the most hospitable nations in the world. Your Chinese friends or colleagues at work will make you feel welcome and they will make an effort to make your life as easy as possible in their home country.

6. Developed social life

For the ones who like socialisiing and a good outing after work, China also provides many possibilities. Big cities live 24/7 with many restaurants, bars and clubs for the ones who like night life and partying. At the same time, there is a rather rich cultural life filled with many concerts of famous world celebrities, grand exhibits and other spectacles while China itself has an excellent theater scene, opera and ballet to offer.

7. Openess towards the West

People from the West that come to China are usually surprised when they understand how much China is pro-Western oriented when bearing in mind the standard prejudices they carry with themselves. Everything that originates from the Weste, that you could wish for can be easily found in China, especially in the larger cities. There are many shops of Western brands, hamburgers, Italian restaurants, cinemas with movies of Western production and similar things. In essence, in Chinese cities you can feel as if you were in any European cosmopolitan metropola but unlike them in China you will get your moneys worth.

8. Security

Whatever you may hear about the Chinese government one is for sure – in China you will feel more secure when walking along its streets and alleys. Crime is a rare event and it is very less likely that you will see any kind of street or indoor fights, roberries or theft.

9. Exquisit food

China has eight regional cuisines and you will most certanly find something to your liking. Whether you are an extravagant grocery lover or you tick to the more traditional, generally accepted cuisine, the Chinese cuisine is something you will definately enjoy in. What is most important is that you will feed yourselves healthy.

10. Magnificent touristic sights

When you do not work, in China wou will definately have a place to go to and which you can afford. The country is filled with touristic destinations from the most famous Chinese Wall, over mountain hiking of Tiger, horseback riding within inner Mongolia, camile races in the Gobi desert or visiting monasteries in Tibet. Besides that, from China you can easily reach other parts of Asia which can also be very inspirational. For example, from Beijing to Seoul you need one hour by airplane, to Tokio three hours and to Bangkok or Singapour only four hours.

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