Life in China

Guide To Registering A Foreign Company In Shanghai

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]hanghai is an open city and therefore has a unique advantage in attracting people, businesses and foreign investment. But the main question still remains: What is the Procedure for Registering a foreign company in Shanghai?

In short this is foreign company registration process:

1. Approved name for industry and commerce: provide copies of ID cards of all shareholders, legal persons and finance, 3 – 5 possible company names, registered capital of the company, the proportion of shareholders capital contribution and capital contribution period, scope of business of the company, contact adress of the company, mobile phone numbers of shareholders, legal persons and finance.

2. Business registration materials: „Articles of Assosiation“, „Resolution of the Shareholders Meeting“, „Application for Registration of Company establishment“, „Enterprise Information Commitment“, copy of lease agreement of the registered address house and property certificate, etc.

3. Sign of business registration materials: after the approval of the company name, shareholders, legal representatives, supervisors need to sign the „Article of Assosiation“, „Enterprise information commitment“, „Shareholders meeting resoultion“ and other business registration materials.

4. Application for business licence: signed business registration materials, housing lease agreement etc., and reported to the Market Supervision Administration for approval, for the company’s business licence.

5. Engraved seal: after the business licencecomes out, engraved company’s official seal, finacial seal, corporate seal, invoice special seal.

6. Opening a basic company bank account.

7. Tax verification, buy tax – controlled disk and invoices.

Information required for the Registration of a foreign company

1. Proof of the main qualification of the foreign investor.

2. Original credit certificate of the foreign investor.

3. Original notarized certification of the foreign investor.

4. Identity documents of the legal representative, all directors, supervisors and managers of the company to be established.

5. Company letterhead.

6. About 3 -5 alternate names for the company.

7. How much registered capital to set.

8. Shareholder contribution ratio.

9. Scope of business.

If you are into the process of registering company in China, Shanghai, you must firstly comply with national laws and regulations, and secondly consider vital interests of your company.


1. Company name

Firstly, the name of the company must be unique (not duplicated with already an already registered company. Secondly, we suggest that you combine the foreign name with the Chinese name registered in China.

2. Registered Capital

China has a system of paid – up registered capital, so you can write as much as you like, but it must be in line with the size of the company.

3. Shareholder requierements

If the investor is foreign individual, relevant documents must be submitted. If you are a foreign company you must provide a notarially certified document notarised by a public notary.

4. Registered address

Requirements for registering foreign companies and tax rebate policies vary significantly form region to region in Shanghai, the choice of registered address affects the process of company registration, financial support policies and preferential policies that companies enjoy in China.

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