
Things Foreigners Need To Know About Coming To China Today

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here are many questions on how to enter China durin pandemic, and here are some of the answers.


Q: Do foreigners entering China have to be quarantined for observation?

A: In accordance with the needs of epidemic prevention and control, each region will take relevant inspection and quarantine and prevention and control meausres for people from countries and regions with serious epidemic, such as taking body temperature and conducting home or centralised observation. These practices are in line with China’s laws and regulations, which are necessary for the prevention and control of the epidemic for all parties in China and abroad.

Q: Are the preventive and contol measures for foreigners the same as for national citizens?

A: Foreign citizens and nationals are treated equally, and measures are implemented without distinction, with due regard for the legitimate concerns of the persons concerned and respect for their religion and customs. Upon entry into the country, the community in which they live will provide the necessary guarantees and assistance to help resolve pratcical difficulties in their lives.

Q: How do I make a health declaration for people entering or leaving China?

A: All people entering or leaving China must make a health declaration, which is checked by Customs at the port of entry to check for symptoms, travel to the region or country where outbreak has occured within 14 days, and history of exposure. The declaration card has been translated into more than ten languages and a small program has been developed to allow departing passengers to use their mobile phones to fill in the declaration before they arrive at the port, generating a QR code that can be scanned at the port for clearance, thus realising the „online declaration, QR code on the pass“.

Q: What can be done to prevent the importation of epidemics from abroad at the entry and exit points?

A: Three checks, three rows and onetransfer are strictly enforced for all people entering and leaving China.
The „three checks“ are a 100% health checks, a compehensive temperature surveilance screening and a strict medical inspection. Those who are found to be symptomatic, or who come from countries or regions with serious otbreaks, or who have been in contact with confirmed or suspected cases, are strictly subject to the „three checks“: epidemiological checks, medical checks and labaratory checks.

The „one transfer“ is to implement measures such as transfer, quarantine and detention for confirmed ans suspected cases, symptomatic persons and close contacts as determined by the „three rows“.

Q: What precautions will be taken for international flights?

A: The CAAC has strenghtened the ventilation and disinfection of aircrafts and airports, conducted temperature tests on passengers entering and leaving Hong Kong, enhanced personal protection and health management of personnel, and issued timely guidelines on prevention and control for airlines and airports. In response to the current spread of the epidemic in some countries and regions, tha CAAC has formulated zoned, graded and diffentiated measures for the prevention and control of the epidemic, integrating various indicators such as the epidemic situation in the host country or region and the operational characteristics of flights, differentiating the risks of flight operations and implementing differentiated management, so as to achieve precise prevention and control and refined measures.

Q: With the spread of the epidemic across multiple countries, will cross-country travel be restricted?

A: China will closely monitor the development of the epidemic overseas and, in the light of the situation and changes in the situation, strenghten communication, coordination and consultation with the countries concerned to reduce some unnecessary cross – border travel activities. China hope to work together with foreign parties to do a good job in the exchange of personnel and to ensure that Chinese and foreign personnel contacts and exchanges and cooperation in various fields will not be greatly affected.

Q: What should I do if my visa expires while I am in China during the epidemic prevention and control period?

A: During the period of epidemic prevention and control, foreigners in China whose period of suspension of stay has expired can automatically extend their stayfor two months. During the extension period, there is no need to go through the extension procedure and you can still legally stay in China or leave the country normally.

Q: What about visas for foreigners coming to China to participate in epidemic prevention?

A: Foreigners who come to China to participate in peidemic prevention and anti-epidemic exchanges and cooperation or to engage in important commercial and scientific research activities, and who are unable to obtain a visa in advance because of urgent matters, may apply for a visa at the port of entry.

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