
HKHC Application Guide

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he long-awaited Hong Kong Health Code (HKHC) is officially online! In addition, version 3.0 of the LeaveHomeSafe Mobile App will also be available.

What is the HKHC?

First of all, let us explain the “Hong Kong Health Code” which is used for customs clearance in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao to ensure that the persons concerned are not high-risk infected persons and will not pose additional risks to the prevention and control of the epidemic in the Mainland when crossing the boundary.

How should I register for the HKHC?

Applicants need to fill in personal data such as name, identity document number, and date of issue, contact telephone number, residential address, etc., and upload proof of address in Hong Kong for verification purposes.

What information do I need to apply for a code account?

Hong Kong Health Code is a real-name system. You need to provide the following information: name, Hong Kong ID card, Home Visit Permit number, proof of address, and a phone number where you can receive SMS (for SMS verification).

If the applicant is a non-Hong Kong resident, he can also provide proof of identity. After receiving the government confirmation document, bring the relevant information to the designated post office to confirm your identity and address, and then you can open your account.

Once registration is complete, when you download the code used for customs clearance, you will also need to declare your trip record and health declaration (uploaded by the LeaveHomeSafe Mobile App).

Steps to apply for the “Hong Kong Health Code”

After successful registration, you can submit your travel record for the past two days by entering the SMS verification code via the “LeaveHomeSafe” 3.0 upgrade.

* Hong Kong Health Code account registration is not subject to the clearance quota at all, and members of the public do not need to register at the same time.

* People who have gone through the inspection-free procedure and do not need to clear customs by switching to the Yue Kang Code can decide whether to renew the LeaveHomeSafe version.

How do I make a health declaration?

Every medical examination must be declared, including 14-day health status, nucleic acid test report within 48 hours, and immunization records.

How do I make a track record declaration?

The HKHC will be linked to the updated LeaveHomeSafe app so that the public can upload their whereabouts records to the HKHC cloud-based system with one click on Leave Home Safe.

* The updated LeaveHomeSafe is still not set up for tracking, and there is no change in usage. Users are free to choose whether or not to record their travel records and upload them to the Hong Kong Health Code system.

Can I be exempted from quarantine after applying for entry?

After citizens have successfully registered for a Health Code account, they need to visit the government website to pick up the code, and the health code will be effective on the same day.

Also, the ability to apply for no quarantine depends on the color of the HKHC you get. There are three HK codes, green, yellow, and red.

[box type=”success” align=”” class=”” width=””]Green Code: can apply for quarantine free clearance;[/box]

[box type=”warning” align=”” class=”” width=””]Yellow Code: Applicants who are residents of the Permitted Compulsory Inspection / New arrivals who have not yet completed 21 days in Hong Kong, except those who have gone through HK Easy Return or HK Easy Access, etc., are not eligible to apply for quarantine free clearance;[/box]

[box type=”error” align=”” class=”” width=””]Red Code: Applicants who are confirmed patients / suspected patients / close contacts/household contacts of close contacts / have declared themselves to be unwell within 14 days / have been discharged from hospital after recovery for less than 14 days / are under quarantine, etc. are not eligible to apply for quarantine free clearance.[/box]

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