BusinessLife in China

Guide To Start A Business In Guangzhou

1. Applicable subjects and types of business

Guangzhou One-Net Platform for starting a Business applies to the following types of businesses: limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, partnerships, sole proprietorship enterprises, as well as branches of the above-mentioned enterprises; farmers’ professional cooperatives and their branches.

The services handled by the one-stop platform include an application for a business license (including business name declaration and business establishment registration), engraving of seals, application for invoices (including tax Ukey), employment and insurance registration, registration of housing fund contributions, bank account opening by preset account or bank account opening by appointment, etc.

2. Pre-processing preparation

To improve the efficiency of the business start-up process, please prepare the following documents before applying for the process:

– 1-5 alternative business names for straightforward adoption in the business name declaration;

– A legal place of business, with an accurate description of the address, the name of the owner, a contact telephone number;

– Valid documents and information on documents of shareholders (investors), members of the organization (e.g. shareholders, directors, supervisors, etc. of the company), financial officers, business liaison officers, tax preparers, ticket buyers, bank account administrators, and bank payment contacts of the enterprise.

3. Processing portal

You can apply for a business start-up through the following channels:

PC: Log on to the Guangzhou Business Start-up One-Web Platform (website to apply for business.

WeChat: Search for Guangzhou Start-up Business Online Platform in the WeChat applet, open the applet and select Start-up Application for business processing.

4. Modalities of processing

Depending on your business start-up needs, the OneNet platform will handle your business in two separate ways:

– Electronic processing of the entire process of all operations

Applicants log on to the OneNet platform and fill in all business information for starting a business on the OneNet platform according to the guidelines, or upload picture information (such as documentary proof of residence) so the system can automatically generate formatted text. After the applicant confirms that everything is correct, the system will automatically push the application materials to shareholders, legal representatives, directors, and supervisors for remote e-signature and automatically generate formatted application materials. For registration businesses that cannot use an electronic signature, application materials that have been signed and confirmed will be uploaded according to the system guidelines.

● Segmentation of operations

For those who apply for starting a business on the one-stop platform and do not handle tax-related registration, insurance registration, bank account opening with preset accounts, or bank account opening by appointment together, they can handle each business separately through the one-stop platform after the establishment of the business.

5. Receipt of processing results

After the business start-up is successfully processed, the OneNet platform will send SMS to notify the applicant to go to the window of the district government service center where the residence (business premises) is located to receive the business license, seal, invoice, and tax Ukey “gift package” for the new business start-up at one time. “The applicant can also be issued an electronic business license, electronic seal, and electronic invoice according to the applicant’s needs.

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