Life in China

Security In China

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]lthough it is to many, due to various prejudices, difficult to believe it, China is one of the most secure countries in the world, as much as for touristic visits and living and working.


In contrast to other many world destinations where you can oftenly become a victim of physical violence, this is very rare in China and the statistics are very low. Chinese people and the whole Chinese society is very inclined towards foreigners so crimes against foreigners are almost not happening which can be confirmed by any foreigner who went there for whatever reason. Many of them can witness how they felt more secure in Chinese cities in comparison to the ones they came from.

Thanks to such a good penalty policy, China has according to official statistics, in the period from 2021 to 2017 lowered the armed crime rate from 81.3%

That kind of situation, when you think about it, has sense bearing in mind the drakonian punishment which awaits perpetrators of any kind of crime in China. Although the crime rate is lower than in other parts of the worls, China annually punishes more criminals than any other country which speaks in favor of the effectiveness of the juducary which, from a statistical point of view has 99% of convicting judgements. Besides that, China has mobile execution units, the so called «death vans» which sew fear among potential criminals so rarely anybody has the courage to go into criminal activitity and risk their life for it.

Thanks to such a good penalty policy, China has according to official statistics, in the period from 2021 to 2017 lowered the armed crime rate from 81.3% or 311 cases to the average 58 cases a year. In comparison to other countries of the world, China does not have arms among its inhabitants because it is very difficult to obtain one and punishments for its ownership are huge. In relation to that what we see as armed crime wich includes physical violence and death almost does not exist in China and what does in small numbers happen is never oriented towards foreigners but happens among local population and mostly as a consequence of some long standing issues.

Besides fear from being punished, the Chinese are well aware how crime represents a bad publicity for a well doing touristic industry as well as their desire to connect with the rest of the world. China is visited annually by around 100 milion tourists and it is important that they leave the country satisfied with their experience as well as with the security situation. The Chinese culture appreciates peace and other human races and in that sense you can feel very secure.


However, there are two things that one should be carefull about and they are pick-pocketing and traffic.
Petty thefts and pick-pocketing in China are present as much as anywhere else in the world. Partly due to a big number of tourists, as it happens, thiefs mostly are not part of the local population. That is why one should take care of their wallets and mobile telephones which is something that we do wherever we are.

Statisically speaking, traffic is the greatest risk for the security of people in ChinaOn the streets of Chinese cities there is a lot of police which will always assist

However, if something was to happend to get pick-pocketed one should be advised to immediately start raising their voice and making a commotion. This can, firstly, lead the pick-pocketer to give up or to motivate someone in the vicinity to help you. Namely, on the streets of Chinese cities there is a lot of police which will always assist you but the Chinese themselves are also keen on having foreigners feel good in their country and thus ready to help them in such a situation.

It is interesting that in China mostly bicycles are being stollen so while being or living there, one should take care where you leave your bicycle and make sure that you always lock it or have it within you eye sight. If you do have it stollen it is a very small likelyhood to get it returned as there is a very high number of bicycles used.

„When you are in China, worry less about criminal and more about how you crosse over the street“, states of the humoristic but correct comments on the topic of security in this country. Statisically speaking, traffic is the greatest risk for the security of people in China especially for the ones coming from the side and not used to how it functions in this country.

The cause of this problem lies in the fact that the Chinese have not driven very oftenly. The majority of active drivers are drivers of the first generation who had the basics of driving mastered in a day. Lack of experience and respect of traffic signs makes China of the countries with the highest death rate in traffic.

It seems that there is the «law of the strongest» implemented on Chinese roads. When a big truck approaches all smaller vehicles give him way which allowed some of the most unbelivable videos to be made and shared on social media and where you can see a truck or a bus pushing a smaller car off the road while car drivers tend to signalise to cyclists and motorists to move away from the road. In such circumstances the pedestrian does not have the preseance as he is the last one to be noticed and if you are one of them we strongly advise you to be extremely careful. In essence, all is well once you master the rules dictating chinese traffic thus minimse your participation in it , which surely will not be that difficult for you, bearing in mind excellent developed networks of metro and speed trains.

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