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    You need valid pieces of information in order to make crucial decisions. Sometimes, it is good to make them personally since only you know what you really need. However, it is advisable to have someone who has lots of experience, someone who has been there and done it.

    If you want to develop either your career or business in this faraway eastern country, follow our news and be informed.

    The right information at the right time is a key to success.

    The most important information from China is now available at a single click.


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    • Sistem za radne dozvole stranaca

      Query System Of Shanghai Foreigner’s Work Permit Is Online!

      The mobile terminal of “foreign talents in Shanghai” has optimized and combed the three columns of wechat, with more practical and rich content.   The PC terminal and mobile terminal have also newly developed the “foreigner work permit acceptance progress query system in China”. The applicant can query the progress…

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    • VESTI_Različite Mere Karantina Za Ulazak U Kinu

      Various Qurantine Policies For Entering China

      BEIJING, SHANGHAI, XIAMEN, CHENGDU:   1. All foreign passengers are not allowed to transit or enter Mainland; 2. The current visas or relevant documents they holding are not valid for use; 3. Taiwan residents are allowed to enter Beijing by the valid Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan reisdents; 4. Suspension…

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    • VESTI_Sledećim Kategorijama Nije Dozvoljeno Da Napuste Šangaj Posle 16. Avgusta

      These People Are Not Allowed To Leave Shanghai After August 16th

      On July 30, the Shanghai Education Commision issued a notice that teachers, students and staff of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should be in Shanghai 14 days before the start of the school year for self – health observation, and are prohibited from leaving Shanghai after August 16th.

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    • VESTI_Da Li Strani Državljani Moraju Da Urade Lekarski Pregled Kako Bi Radili U Kini

      Do Foreign Workers Need A Physical Examination To Work In China?

      Q: Do foreign workers need a physical examination to work in China? A: Yes. Foreigners applying outside China need to undergo two physical examinations, while domestic applicants only need to complete one physical examination.

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    • VESTI_Tri Glavna Načina Do Posla U Kini

      Three Main Ways For Foreigners To Work In China

      What are the basic requirements to apply for a work permit in China?     1. The applicant has completed two years of undergraduate studies; 2. 2 years of proven relevant work experience; 3. Employed by a workplace in China; 4. The hiring unit has normal business and tax payment.…

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    • VESTI_Šta ako ste promenili pasoš u Kini

      What If Foreigner Has Changed Their Passport?

      What do foreigners need to do after they change their passports in China?     1. For foreigners who changed their name, passport number and other relevant passport information pages, first update the temporary accomodation registration form of overseas personnel, and submit the original and copy of the changed certificate…

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    • car-plates

      How To Obtain A License Plate Number In China?

      What you need for license plate nubmer in China? 1. The passport original and copy of the vehicle owner. 2. Certificate of origin of automobile such as purchase invoice. 3. Automibile factory certificate or automobile import certificate. 4. Tax payment certificate or tax exemption certificate of car purchase original. 5.…

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    • Putovanje

      Current Rules For Entering And Leaving Shanghai By Plane Or Train

      1. All persons returning to Shanghai from or via areas at medium to high risk of epidemic in China should report to their neighbourhood committee and unit (or hotel) as soon as possible and no later than 12 hours aftre arrival in Shanghai. 2. All people returning to Shanghai from…

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    • VESTI_Informacije Koje Stranci Moraju Znati O Ulasku U Kinu Danas

      Things Foreigners Need To Know About Coming To China Today

      There are many questions on how to enter China durin pandemic, and here are some of the answers.   Q: Do foreigners entering China have to be quarantined for observation? A: In accordance with the needs of epidemic prevention and control, each region will take relevant inspection and quarantine and…

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    • Kako do kartice socijalnog osiguranja

      How To Obtain A Social Security Card

      To work in China employers nad workers must participate in social insurance and pay social premiums in accordance with the law. That is stipulated in the Labour Contract Law and the Social Insurance Law.   Social insurance refers to basic pension insurance, basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance…

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