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    You need valid pieces of information in order to make crucial decisions. Sometimes, it is good to make them personally since only you know what you really need. However, it is advisable to have someone who has lots of experience, someone who has been there and done it.

    If you want to develop either your career or business in this faraway eastern country, follow our news and be informed.

    The right information at the right time is a key to success.

    The most important information from China is now available at a single click.


    Source: SFBC[/box]

    • Viza uz pozivno pismo

      Process For Obtaining An Entry Visa By Applying For A Pu Invitation Letter

      1. Application for a Letter of Invitation to China for Foreigners during Epidemic. 2. Two weeks prior to approval, start making appointments with embassies for visa processing and obtain appointment dates. 3. Receive the “Invitation Letter for Foreigners to come to China during the Epidemic”, bring your passport and go…

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    • ključne tačke za kinesku vizu

      Key Points For Visa To China

      Foreigners in China, like in any other country, shall abide by Chinese laws and shall not endanger China’s national security, damagepublic interest and undermine social and public order.   Before coming to China, the applicant should check whether the visa is valid and has sufficient entry times. Foreigners carrying animals,…

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    • Nova politika

      These Policies May Affect Foreign Teachers

      The General Office of the Central Committee of the Comunist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on further reducing the burden of Homework and Off-Campus Training for Students at the Compulsory education Stage. The document makes it clear that China must adhere…

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    • Dokaz o vakcinaciji

      Come to China With Proof Of Vaccination

      Starting from 15 March 2021, China will provide visa facilities to foreign nationals who have received the COVID 19 vaccine produced in China and are in possession of documentary proof of vaccination to enter China.   Nucleic acid testing and quarantine for 14 days will be required.

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    • Pravila za ulazak u Šangaj

      Policy For People Coming To Shanghai Tightened Again

      All persons coming to Shanghai from or via areas at medium to high risk of an epidemic in China should report to their neighbourhood committee and unit (or hotel) as soon as possible and no later than 12 hours after their arrival in Shanghai.   All persons coming to Shanghai…

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    • Vakcine i sertifikati u Kini

      Vaccination Certificates After Returning To China

      Recently, more and more people are returning home after vaccination. Some of them are IgM positive, so they need to upload proof of vaccination and add n protein if it is a non – inactivated vaccine in order to get the green code. As some of you are vaccinated in…

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    • Vozačka dozvola u Kini

      How Can A Foreigner Obtain A Chinese Driving License?

      A foreign driver who acquires driving license must acquires Chinese one before drive on the road in China, otherwise, you are unable to drive any vehicles in China. If there any foreigners want to drive in China, A valid driving license is required and it’s issued by Chinese Public Transportation…

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    • Karantin u regionima Kine

      Quarantine Policy At Different Regions Of Entering China

      For those of you who are preparing to return to China, the quarantine policy differs from one region of entering to another.   2. Guangzhou 14 + 7: Entry from high-risk countries continues to be quarantined at home for 7 days after 14 days of quarantine, and continues to be…

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    • prijava za hitnu humanitarnu vizu

      How Do I Apply For An Emergency Humanitarian Visa?

      The epidemic situation in China has further stabilised an improved, but in order to strictly prevent the increase of cases imported from abroad, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairsand the State Administration of Migration have jointly issued an anouncement to impose certain restrictions on the entry of foreigners to China, which…

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    • Kome je dopušten ulazak u Kinu?

      Which Foreigners Can Enter China?

      1. Korean nationals: From September 2020 Chinese Embassy in Korea has issued a new policy, which allows Korean nationals to enter the country directly by applying for a work visa, without the need for a PU invitation letter. 2. Foreigners in Hong Kong/Macau who have been vaccinated against Covid 19…

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