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    You need valid pieces of information in order to make crucial decisions. Sometimes, it is good to make them personally since only you know what you really need. However, it is advisable to have someone who has lots of experience, someone who has been there and done it.

    If you want to develop either your career or business in this faraway eastern country, follow our news and be informed.

    The right information at the right time is a key to success.

    The most important information from China is now available at a single click.


    Source: SFBC[/box]

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      Applying For Permanent Residence Permit in China

      Before applying for a China Green Card, foreign nationals who wish to live and work in China on a permanent basis should apply for a permanent residence permit.   And when applying for a Green Card, a residence permit is one of the necessary documents to apply for a China…

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    • Novi uslovi za rad u Šangaju

      New Policies For Introducing Foreign Experts

      With the strong support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, Shanghai is pioneering more open and more convenient policies for introducing foreign experts, giving full play to the autonomy of employers in selecting, evaluating and employing talents, reinforcing the employers’ major…

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      Recruiting Foreign Staff in China – New Policies

      Due to the recent resurgence of the new crown epidemic both at home and abroad, it is still difficult for expatriates to enter country.   For companies requiring foreign workers, more preference will be given this year to foreign talent already in the country for recruitment. These expatriates are currently…

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