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    You need valid pieces of information in order to make crucial decisions. Sometimes, it is good to make them personally since only you know what you really need. However, it is advisable to have someone who has lots of experience, someone who has been there and done it.

    If you want to develop either your career or business in this faraway eastern country, follow our news and be informed.

    The right information at the right time is a key to success.

    The most important information from China is now available at a single click.


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    • Povratak studenata u Kinu

      China Considering Return Of Some International Students

      In the second week of February 2022, the Chinese foreign ministry stated that they had been considering the return of international students to China in a coordinated manner.   Zhao Lijian, Foreign Ministry of China’s spokesperson, emphasized the government’s commitment to helping international students return to China to continue their…

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    • vesti_Da li Kina otvara granice

      Ordinary Travel granted? Borders Opening?

      The statement of information declaring that there is a rumor about ordinary travel being allowed and passports given.   The administration said in a statement on social media it will “normally issue passports” for individuals who need to travel abroad for study, employment, or business. But rumors it will issue…

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    • Novi zakon o kompanijama

      New Company Law is on the way

      On January 10, Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee organized a legislative opinion consultation meeting regarding the “Company Law of the People’s Republic of China”.   The consultation meeting invited foreign, domestic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong-funded enterprises, experts and scholars, lawyers, grass-roots legislative contact point information personnel, and other representatives…

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    • Promene ulaska u Kinu u 2022

      Will CN Entry-Exit Policies Be Adjusted And Relaxed In 2022?

      On January 27, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) held a press conference to release the data on immigration management in 2021.   Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the State Immigration Administration has implemented a strict and tight immigration policy. Will China’s immigration policy be adjusted and relaxed in 2022? Chen…

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    • Strana ulaganja u Kinu

      Foreigners Investing In China Receive New Regulation

      Items on the negative lists nationwide and for pilot free trade zones (FTZs) were cut to 31 and 27, down 6.1 percent and 10 percent. From 2017 to 2020, China cut items on the two negative lists from 93 and 122, to 33 and 30, introducing major opening-up measures in…

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    • Zlatna magnolija - nagrada za strance u Kini

      12 Foreigners Won the “Magnolia Gold Awards”

      The awarding ceremony of “Honorary citizen of Shanghai” and “Magnolia Gold Awards” in 2021 took place in the municipal government on January 24. American Jeffrey Sean Lehman and French Jean-Paul Agon won the title of “Honorary citizen of Shanghai”, and 10 people won the “Magnolia Gold Awards”. Gong Zheng, mayor…

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    • Zimske olimpijske igre i korona

      Can I Buy Winter Olympic Tickets? No. Here is Why.

      Disappointing for many, but perhaps not unexpected, organizers of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympics Games stated on January 17, that tickets for the events would not go on sale to the general public. Tickets are reserved for some spectators as part of an adapted program. Unsurprisingly, COVID-19 was…

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    • Obrada viza u Kini

      Visa Processing Changes in CN

      01 Foreign students can apply for class C work permits in these areas. We already published an official report on this a few days ago, which said that from this year, foreign graduates with master’s or doctoral degrees at Shanghai University can apply for a new Class C work permit.…

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    • Obaveštenje kineske ambasade

      Statement From Chinese Embassy For Foreigners Traveling To China

      On Saturday, the Chinese Embassy posted a notice on its website reminding would-be travelers going to China to carefully assess the urgency and necessity of international travel amid the epidemic, especially the possible economic losses caused by frequent flight “circuit-breaker” in recent days, and to remember “not to travel unless…

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    • vesti_Novo pravilo za ulazak u Peking

      New Rule For Entering Beijing

      Authorities have introduced an additional rule for entering Beijing following the first confirmed locally transmitted case of the COVID-19 omicron variant in Beijing. Those entering or returning to Beijing from elsewhere on the Chinese mainland must undergo a nucleic acid test within 72 hours of arriving in the capital. We…

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