Life in China

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    We have often been asked about products in China, product placement, import and export, as well.
    It is not easy though it is not impossible, especially when you have immediate information

    Reading the texts on find something that may help you make a decision and start your life under the Asian sky.

    Enjoy the exploration of China.


    • Studiranje u Kini

      Do International Students Come to China?

      In recent years, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the development of many fields in China’s education industry   1. With the normalization of the global COVID-19 situation, the intention of overseas students to study in China has increased significantly. In 2020, nearly 20% of the students interested in Chinese universities changed their study plans abroad. This figure fell sharply to 6.75% in the 2021 survey. 2. With the “normalization” of the epidemic, students are more willing to enter…

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    • Posao u Kini

      Facts On Employment In China

      As of 2019, about one million foreigners are working in China. Working in China offers multiple opportunities to expand one’s career, learn Mandarin and gain valuable cross-cultural skills. Many foreigners experience difficulties and uncertainties in navigating the work visa application process. Here are some practical tips for those looking to work in China. In China, the Work Visa (commonly referred to as the Z Visa), Work Permit, and Residence Permit are three separate items with different functions and formalities for…

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    • 6 razloga za deportaciju iz Kine

      6 Reasons Why Foreigners Get Deported from China

      As a foreigner living in China in modern times, you should expect to be under scrutiny. And if you break the rules and laws, authorities could make an example of you.   Here are the six reasons why foreigners face deportation from China. 1. Break the COVID rules The easiest way to get yourself deported in the current climate is for you to break the rules implemented to stop the spread of COVID-19. The Chinese government announced that it would…

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    • Boravišna dozvola za strance u Kini

      List of Materials Required for Overseas Talent Residence Permit

      1 – Application form 2 – Valid identity documents, including valid passports (including registered residence permits, entry certificates) and foreign permanent (long-term) residence documents (and the need to provide proof of no household registration issued by the public security department within 90 days). 3 – The certificate of the highest education (degree) Overseas students should provide the certificate of overseas education and degree issued by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China or the certificate of overseas…

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    • Kineska zelena karta

      What Are The Benefits Of a China Green Card?

      LONG VALIDITY Stranci bez kineske zelene karte moraju obnavljati svoje boravišne dozvole jednom godišnje. Foreigners without a Chinese green card need to renew their residence permits once a year. There are also limitations over the time duration and location they can stay within the PRC. In comparison, a Chinese green card for foreigners below 18 years of age is valid for five years, and for those above 18 for 10 years. Since the Ministry of Public Security issues the card,…

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    • Ko dobija zelenu kartu u Kini?

      Who Can Apply for a Green Card In China?

      I The applicants have invested in China directly, have a steady investment condition and good revenue record for more than 3 years, and have a good tax record. II The applicants take the job continually as or above assistant general managers or factory directors, have the high title of or above the associate professor or assistant researcher, or have enjoyed equal treatment in China for more than four years, during which the applicants have been living in China continuously for…

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    • Pravna strana zapošljavanja stranaca u Kini

      Regulations on the Employment of Foreigners in China

      Are you in the process of finding a new job? Are you currently looking for a new place to live? Maybe you want to move to a new continent? Have you ever considered working in China? What are the regulations on the employment of foreigners in China? I General Provisions Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of foreigners’ employment in China, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. Article 2 The…

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    • lifestyle_Eelektrična vozila u Kini

      Tesla In China’s Ev Market

      There is a lot to expect in the future for the EV industry in China. A new EV (electric vehicle) era has already begun in China (especially in the Tier 1 cities), but it is time for another shift in the electrification process.   We already had a text written on this subject, but here is an update on this matter. Did you know that in 2021 more than 4 of every 5 EV’s sold in China were local EV…

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    • Modni div iz Kine

      Shein: A New Fashion Giant From China

      Shein became the biggest fast fashion brand on the USA market in 2021 by being cheaper and faster than its rivals. So, what is going on in the western fashion world?   Shein’s founder Chris Xu started his brand SHEIN in 2008 after quitting his job in marketing. Still, after all these years there is little information about the company or its founder. He set up his company She Inside in 2008, and after 7 years he changed its name…

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    • Da li se može u Kinu bez vize?

      Can Foreigners Without Chinese Visas Enter China?

      With the accelerating pace of China’s opening to the outside world, there are more and more visa-free ways to enter China.   According to Article 22 of the law of the people’s Republic of China on the administration of exit and entry, foreigners are exempted from visas under any of the following circumstances: 1. According to the mutual visa exemption agreements signed between the Chinese government and the governments of other countries, they are visa-free personnel. 2. Holding a valid…

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