Life in China

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    We have often been asked about products in China, product placement, import and export, as well.
    It is not easy though it is not impossible, especially when you have immediate information

    Reading the texts on find something that may help you make a decision and start your life under the Asian sky.

    Enjoy the exploration of China.


    • slika_zivot u kini_zašto je kina dobra za život

      The Benefits Of Living A Good And Healthy Life In China

      HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY CHINA IS GOOD FOR LIFE?   If you haven’t, this is your chance to ask the question and maybe get and answer to it. China today is perceived by many as the country of the future bearing in mind its fast technological development and what is more important, the use of technology in everyday life.   Such constellation of things especially favors foreigners who would like to live in China. Thanks to technological accomplishments and…

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    • Posao_u_kini

      General Context Of Doing Business in China

      You have made a decision to start a business in China or you are employed in a company which made a decision to enter the Chinese market? The first analysis which one must make is the basic macro surrounding analysis.   Depending on the sphere your business belongs to, we suggest that, before you decide to enter the Chinese market, you study well the conditions for doing business Let see what the PESTGDP analysis say: “P” – “political”. China has…

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    • China-Wall

      The Oldest History Of China

      One book is not enough for the history of China but what we intent to show with this is the fact that the Chinese history is much more interesting and foremost advanced than the people from the West perceive it to be.   The Chinese like to brag how they have in continuity the longest civilisation, over 5000 years old, which is not entirely accurate bearing in mind the ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. However, regardless of that, the Chinese development…

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    • security

      Security In China

      Although it is to many, due to various prejudices, difficult to believe it, China is one of the most secure countries in the world, as much as for touristic visits and living and working.   IS CHINA SAFE ? In contrast to other many world destinations where you can oftenly become a victim of physical violence, this is very rare in China and the statistics are very low. Chinese people and the whole Chinese society is very inclined towards foreigners…

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    • 10 Reasons For Working In China

      China, as a touristic destination, is interesting to many and it would probably be difficult to find a person that does not have the wish to visiti it at least once. However, when talking about about life in China, many are horrified by the thought of moving over there. China is not that conservative as we tend to initially perceive it and thereas is a lot of things that show that life and work in China can be a good…

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    • Kako Oni Koji Sklapaju Međunarodne Ugovore Mogu Dobiti Radne Dozvole U Kini

      How Can International Contractors Obtain Work Permits In China

      One of the realities of international contracting is the need to obtain a work permit. Very few countries (outside the EU) allow freedom to work and travel visa-free. If you are committed to contracting in foreign countries, it’s essential to learn the immigration rules. Working in China Because of the vast opportunities in Chinese industries, many international contractors may wish to look for Chinese clients. While that part may not be too difficult, there is the problem of obtaining a…

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    • Guangzhou.

      Guide To Start A Business In Guangzhou

      1. Applicable subjects and types of business Guangzhou One-Net Platform for starting a Business applies to the following types of businesses: limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, partnerships, sole proprietorship enterprises, as well as branches of the above-mentioned enterprises; farmers’ professional cooperatives and their branches. The services handled by the one-stop platform include an application for a business license (including business name declaration and business establishment registration), engraving of seals, application for invoices (including tax Ukey), employment and insurance registration, registration…

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    • 11 Najvažnijih Stvari Koje Treba Znati O Kineskoj Vizi

      11 Most Important Things You Should Know About Chinese Visa

      Here are the most useful visa-related tips and advice for you. 1. Always Check China Visa-Free Policy First Why not take advantage of the visa-free policy to visit China if you qualify for it? You should know there are cost-effective ways to travel to China. At present, ordinary passport holders of Singapore, Brunei, and Japan can visit China without a visa for a tourist tour, business, or family and friends for no longer than 15 days. International transit passengers may…

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    • Guide To Registering A Foreign Company In Shanghai

      A Guide To Apply For Category A Work Permit

      How can I determine if a foreigner is in category A for top talent? Foreign top talents in category A are: – scientists, – science and technology leaders, – international entrepreneurs, – talents who meet the needs of China’s economic and social development, – talents who meet the criteria for point credit. Foreign top talents are not subject to age and work experience restrictions. If a foreign talent meets any of the following conditions, he/she will be classified as category…

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    • TEKST_Kako Dobiti Vizu Za Kinu – Vodič Za Kineske Vize

      How to Get a Visa for China – Chinese Visa Application Guide

      Find out what kind of visa you need   Learn about different types of Chinese Visas so you can figure out for which kind of visa you should apply for. Judging your purpose of visiting is for travel, business, work, transit, family reunion, etc. China Tourist Visa (L visa) is for visiting China for tourism, F visa is for exchanges, study tour, Business Visa (M visa) is for commercial and trade. Apply for a Chinese Visa According to various visa…

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