Life in China

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    We have often been asked about products in China, product placement, import and export, as well.
    It is not easy though it is not impossible, especially when you have immediate information

    Reading the texts on find something that may help you make a decision and start your life under the Asian sky.

    Enjoy the exploration of China.


    • Prijava za stalni boravak u Kini

      What Kind Of Foreigners Can Apply For Permanent Residence In China?

      Many foreigners have fallen in love with China after working and living in China for many years. However, due to China’s strict control over foreigners, it is very trouble-some to update your work visa and handle the change of work permit notice every time you change your job. Can foreigners apply for permanent residence in China? This article will share two situations in which foreigners can apply for permanent residence status in China. So what can be done to solve…

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    • Plate stranih nastavnika u Kini

      How Well Do Foreign Teachers Get Paid In China?

      With the increasing demand for foreign teachers in China’s English education market, many “foreign experts” with work visas come to China to engage in education every year, and those fresh graduates in China can engage in English teaching as long as they have bachelor’s degree, English skills at mother tongue level and TEFL certificate. Given the scope of China’s market for English language instruction, how much an English teacher can make in China varies widely based on the types of…

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    • Registracija kompanije u Hong Kongu

      How To Register A Hong Kong Company And The Benefits You Can Get?

      First, let’s analyze the advantages of incorporating a Hong Kong company.   1. Ultra-low tax rate and tax incentives for Hong Kong companies Hong Kong has a simple tax system. There are two main types of tax for HK companies, profit tax, and salaries tax. 1) Profit tax: Any company operating in HK is subject to profits tax at a rate of only 8.25% of profits (8.25% for the first 2 million HK$ of profits), one of the lowest tax…

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    • Joint venture u Kini

      7 Considerations To Reach A Successful JV Agreement

      Since the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic we have observed a new trend in China’s foreign direct investment (FDI) area: more foreign investors have shown intention to choose the joint venture (JV) structure to enter China than compared to past practices. Generally, most foreign investors have been cautious in choosing the JV mode as their market-entry approach of choice due to prospective managerial complexity, different cultures and business approaches between the partners, and high risk of technology leakage. However,…

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    • 10 opcija za biznis u Kini - 2022

      Projects Suitable For Foreigners To Start Business In China – 2021

      Are you tired of the life of a part-time worker? Stand up and start your own business to become a boss! Are you tired of the life of a part-time worker? Stand up and start your own business to become a boss! Business Services Postal, printing and PC services and the sale of office products are all included in the broad business service sector. “Business owners aspiring to open a business services – based company should likely focus on providing…

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    • Chinese Food Styles

      How many Chinese food styles do you know? The food of China is diverse, regional and comes with all sorts of interesting ingredient combinations. This is a great place to start in understanding what makes up Chinese food with Shandong, Fujian, Beijing, Shanghai, Hunan, Cantonese and Szechuan so different. Knowing the different styles of Chinese food will help you pick the right one to match your tastes. For example, if you like sweeter food with sauces you will be looking…

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