International Offshore Engineering Technology And Equipment Exhibition / CM China Maritime Beijing
Product groups:
Desalination technology, Drillships, environmental monitoring systems, FPSO, FSO, FSU, handling systems, laboratory equipment, lifeboats, offshore engineering ships, offshore platforms, offshore supply vessels, oil tankers, pollution, seawater desalination plants, spill control, steel structures, storage systems, subsea technology, tidal power plants, transport pipelines, transport ships, tubes, underwater pipelines, wind farm installation vessel, wind farms, workboats.
Industry sectors:
Energy, Marine Technology, Oil Industry, Petrochemicals, Port Equipments, Renewable Energy, Transportation.
The CM China Maritime is an international technology and equipment exhibition for offshore technology.
It takes place once a year in Beijing and is the largest fair of its kind in Asia. Since offshore energy is gaining more and more importance in the coming years, the demand for the corresponding technology increases.
At the CM, exhibitors present the latest innovations and technologies in the fields of drilling platforms, tidal power plants, desalination technology, and underwater technology. In addition, innovative equipment for ships, which are used for the storage and transport of raw materials and construction materials and which perform the installation of offshore platforms, wind farms, and tidal power plants on the sea are shown. The fair is followed by CM Theme Forum and technical seminars on current industry topics