
How To Understand Entry Validity And Stay Period?


The entry validity period of a visa refers to the valid time range for the entry of the visa holder. Unless otherwise indicated by the issuing authority, the visa shall take effect from the date of issuance and shall expire at 24:00 Beijing time on the date of expiration of the entry validity. As long as the number of entries remains, the holder can go to China with this visa at any time before the expiration of the entry validity. Visas whose entry validity period has expired can not be used regardless of the remaining entry times.

Chinese embassies and consulates abroad can not extend the entry validity of visas. If the visa is invalid, please re-apply for visa. If you travel to China with an invalid visa, you will be refused entry. Therefore, please check the validity of your visa again before you leave for China. Please note that even if foreigners hold valid Chinese visas, they may be refused entry by China’s entry-exit administration.

Q: I entered China with my visa (valid for two entries), visa is valid until June 20. I entered China for the first time on June 12. Can I use visa again to go to China on June 25?

A: No. Because the entry validity of the visa has expired, you can’t use it again even if there are still the remaining entry times.


The number of entry times of a visa refers to the number of times the holder can enter the country within the entry validity period of the visa. When the number of entry times is used up, the visa will become invalid, even if the number of entries is not used up, if the entry validity period has expired, the visa will also expire. If you need to travel to China again, you must re-apply for a visa. Those who travel to China with visas that have been used up will be refused entry.

Q: My visa is valid for two entries from March 20 to June 20. I have entered China twice before May 20. Can you continue to use the visa before June 20?

A: No. Because the number of entry times of the visa has been used up, you can’t continue to use the visa even it it is still within the entry validity period.


The term duration of stay refers to the time limit within which the holder is allowed to stay after each entry calculated from the next day of entry.

Q: My visa entry times is one and my stay period is 30 days. I plan to enter China on June 12. How long can I stay in China?

A: You can stay in China until July 12 at most. Because the visa stay period is calculated from the next day of entry (June 13) and the maximum stay is 30 days to July 12.

Q: My visa is valid until June 12 for a period of 30 days . If I enter China on the last day of the entry validity of my visa, that is June 12, can I stay in China for 30 days?

A: Yes. If the stay in China needs to be exceed the stay period allowed by the visa, the party concerned must apply for extension within the time limit specified by the local public security organ. Being able to apply does not mean that the application will be approved, and all possible resoinsibilities arising threfrom shall be borne by the applicant.

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