
Various Qurantine Policies For Entering China


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]1. All foreign passengers are not allowed to transit or enter Mainland;

2. The current visas or relevant documents they holding are not valid for use;

3. Taiwan residents are allowed to enter Beijing by the valid Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan reisdents;

4. Suspension of visa –on –arrival for Taiwan residents holding an expired Mainland Travel Pemit plus Taiwan ID card.[/box]


– This does not apply to passengers with a diplomatic, public service, courtesy of C visa;

– This does not apply to passengers with a visa issued after 28th of March 2020.

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Quarantine measures for Beijing:

– All inbound passengers arriving in Beijing are required to recieve nucleic acid tests and undergo 14 day centralized quarantine by bearing the relevant fees themselves;

– After the centralized quarantine, passengers are required to quarantine themselves for further 7 days at quarantine hotel, and carry out self – health monitoring for 7 days afterwords.[/box]

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Quarantine measures for Shanghai:

– All arrival passengers are required to undergo 14 days quarantine and 7 days health – monitoring in community. They will get tested of PCR at least 6 times during this period.

– Passengers bounding for other domestic province but transiting through Shanghai will need to undergo 14 days group quarantine first on arrival and follow the further local quarantine policy of their final destination.

– Effective from 12 September 2020, those travelers who are heading over to Jinagsu, Zhejiang, or Anhui province are allowed to undergo the group quarantine in Shaghai for 3 days and at their final destination for 11 days.[/box]

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Quarantine measures for Xiamen:

– All passengers arriving in Xiamen are required to recieve the medical tests and undergo the centralized quarantine for 14 days on their own expenses.

– After the centralized quarantine the passengers need to recieve medical tests again. They will be allowed to leave if their test results are negative.[/box]

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Quarantine measures for Chengdu:

– All passengers, regardless of nationality and palce of departure, must undergo 14 – day centralized quarantine hotels and 7 – day home quarantine at their own expense after arrival. Those who do not have fixed residence will continue to complete the 7 – day quarantine in the hotel. Therefore, the actual quarantine days are 21 days, and 7 tests need to be completed in 21 days.

– Passenegers transiting in Chengdu must recieve nucleic acid tests and undergo centralized quarantine for 14 days. They will only be allowed to bound for destination after recieving negative test results..[/box]

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