
Latest Entry Quarantine Policy In Domestic Cities

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]rom being caught off guard at the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic to the unity of the people in fighting the epidemic and overcoming the difficulties together, to the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, China accumulated rich experience in fighting the epidemic, achieving significant and hard-earned results.

The integrated system of epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development, urgent restoration of production and normal life, made China the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth in 2020.

1. Beijing Entry Policy

Beijing port of entry: 14 days intensive quarantine + 7 days home or intensive quarantine + 7 days health monitoring.

Persons entering the country at other ports of entry:

Only those who have completed 21 days of quarantine may enter Beijing, and after entering Beijing, they will do seven days of health monitoring. Those who have not completed 21 days and have already entered Beijing will have a full seven days of home or centralized quarantine and seven days of health monitoring.

Entry to Beijing by direct flight from Hong Kong:

You need a valid certificate of negative nucleic acid test result within seven days issued by a medical institution recognized by the HKSAR Government.

2. Shanghai Entry Policy

Since May 16, Shanghai has continued community health monitoring for seven days after 14-day quarantine observation for new arrivals. Self-testing of body temperature is mandatory twice a day (in the morning and evening), refraining from going out unless necessary, avoiding crowded places, wearing masks when going out, refraining from participating in gathering activities, and seeking medical consultation when fever, cough, and other uncomfortable symptoms appear. Six nucleic acid tests are mandatory during quarantine observation and community health monitoring.

The 3+1 segregated transfer measure is valid for incoming persons whose destinations are the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui.

Arrivals destined for a destination other cities: 14/14+7

3. Guangzhou Entry Policy

Foreign entry personnel:

14 days of centralized quarantine + 7 days of home quarantine + 7 days of self-health monitoring.

All foreign entry personnel (whose destination is Guangzhou) are subject to centralized quarantine for 14 days + home quarantine for seven days + self-health monitoring for seven days, and free nucleic acid tests at hospitals on the 23rd and 28th day after release from quarantine. Taiwan citizens entering Guangzhou are subject to 14 days of centralized quarantine + 7 days of self-health monitoring, and free nucleic acid testing at the hospital on the 23rd and 28th day after exiting quarantine with proof of quarantine release.

Hong Kong entry personnel:

14 days intensive quarantine + 7 days home health monitoring + 7 days self-health monitoring.

A person who gives a false home health monitoring address and fails to declare information about their destination within seven days before the centralized quarantine is complete will have additional seven days of health monitoring at the original quarantine hotel after being released from quarantine.

Macau arrivals:

Quarantine-free entry policy is active via Zhuhai-Macau border crossing, and only a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours is required!

4. Shenzhen entry Policy

The Shenzhen Municipal Government has implemented the 14+7 quarantine policy, which requires all incoming persons to be centrally quarantined for 14 days, followed by seven days of community management.

Hong Kong entry to Shenzhen quarantine requirement:

Ordinary travelers entering Shenzhen from Hong Kong are required to have a paper report of negative nucleic acid test results issued by government-accredited testing institutions in Guangdong and Hong Kong within 24 hours of entry and are required to undergo 14 days of quarantine medical observation and seven days of home health monitoring. Those eligible for home quarantine in Shenzhen can apply for 7+7+7 quarantine medical observation and health monitoring (7 days of centralized quarantine + 7 days of home quarantine + 7 days of home health monitoring) at their local health post.

5. Chengdu entry Policy

Entry personnel:

14 days of intensive quarantine + 7 days of home quarantine, requiring completion of nucleic acid testing on days 1, 4, 7, 10, 14 of intensive quarantine and days 2 and 7 of home quarantine.

All persons entering the province will be in centralized quarantine for 14 days. They need to complete nasopharyngeal swab nucleic acid testing on 1, 4, 7, 10, and 14th day, and double-testing is on schedule for the 14th day. If the final destination is outside the province, travelers will travel to the airport or station in a closed loop.

From the provincial ports of entry to lift the centralized quarantine after (return) to Sichuan personnel arriving in this province when the entry time is less than 21 days, should be home or centralized quarantine until the full 21 days, during which two nasopharyngeal swab nucleic acid test, the release of quarantine using double picking double test.

6. Chongqing entry Policy

Persons entering Chongqing and returning to Chongqing:

Implementation of 14+7+7: 14 days of centralized quarantine, seven days of home quarantine, and seven days of self-health management.

If the travelers returning to Chongqing from foreign provinces (regions and municipalities) completed 14 days of intensive medical quarantine at their first place of entry and have proof of quarantine release and negative nucleic acid test, they can continue to implement 7+7 health management (7 days of home quarantine and 7 days of self-health management) upon their arrival in Chongqing. If they can’t provide the relevant proof, they will be treated as those entering Chongqing.

7. Hangzhou entry Policy

The 14+7+7 health policy measures for all incoming persons are required.

That is, 14 days of centralized quarantine medical observation, seven days of home health observation and seven days of daily health observation, and seven days of daily health monitoring. Carry out one nucleic acid test on the 1, 4, 7, 10, and 14th day of the centralized quarantine period, 2nd and 7th day of the home health observation, and day 7 of the daily health monitoring. Doing the double collection and double testing before the quarantine release and before the end of the home health observation is required (2 nasopharyngeal swabs collected and tested with different nucleic acid testing reagents, and two tests conducted by unrelated testing institutions).

8. Nanjing entry Policy

For passengers returning to Ning from abroad:

The implementation of the 14+14 health management measures:

● 14 days of centralized quarantine medical observation (or home medical observation if conditions allow it);
● 14 days of home quarantine medical observation.

During the 14 days of residence, the quarantined person:

● Voluntary quarantine and observation for 14 days without going outside;
● Keeping contacts with co-residents to a minimum during observation;
● Taking the temperature at least once a day in the morning and once in the afternoon, and watch yourself closely for acute respiratory symptoms such as coughing or other related symptoms (malaise, headache, gastrointestinal symptoms, etc.);
● If fever, respiratory infection, or other COVID-related symptoms appear during observation, the person responsible for management should promptly contact the manager responsible for quarantined medical monitoring at home.

9. Qingdao port of entry 14+7

14 days of intensive quarantine medical observation + 7 days of home health monitoring.

14 days intensive quarantine medical observation at the first entry point of Qingdao port, 4 nucleic acid tests on day 1 of entry (customs) and days 3, 7, and 13 of intensive quarantine, and 2 serum antibody tests on days 7 and 13.

After transferring to the destination counties (cities and districts), 2+1+7 measures are implemented. One nucleic acid test and one serum antibody test at the centralized service point are conducted. Those who are negative undergo seven days of home health monitoring and one nucleic acid test on the 7th day of health monitoring.

10. Tianjin entry Policy

Persons entering from Tianjin:

14 days intensive quarantine + 7 days home quarantine.

Persons entering the country from other domestic ports:

● Persons who have been released from quarantine at other ports after 14 days of quarantine and come to Tianjin will be in home quarantine for seven days.
● Persons who have been in the country for more than 21 days and less than 28 days must provide proof of a negative nucleic acid test within three days.

For those entering through the fast track measures (two days of intensive quarantine), full closed-loop point-to-point resumption of work within 21 days, and release from health control after negative nucleic acid tests on days 7, 13, and 21 are strictly enforced.

11. Xi’an entry Policy

For those who enter Xi’an port with a destination outside the province, a 14-day centralized quarantine is implemented, with nucleic acid testing on 1, 4, 7, and 13th day, 13th day requires parallel nucleic acid testing + antibody testing, and point-to-point delivery to the transport out of Shaanxi.

For those whose destination is Shaanxi Province, a 21-day centralized quarantine + 7-day home quarantine measure is implemented, 14 days of centralized quarantine at the Xi’an port, and after the quarantine period, those from outside the province are taken to the destination city in a point-to-point closed loop.

Travelers whose destination is Xi’an will continue to be centrally quarantined in municipal entry quarantine facilities for 21 days and will be point-to-point picked up by the destination district or county and placed in home quarantine for seven days.

12. Changsha entry Policy

Following the requirements of separating as much as possible and testing as much as possible, the 14+7+7 medical observation and 2+1 nucleic acid testing measures for incoming persons are in place.

Fourteen days of intensive medical observation in quarantine at the first point of entry and routine nasopharyngeal swab nucleic acid testing on 1, 4, 7, 10, and 14th day of intensive quarantine is required.

The medical observation of persons entering Hunan (returning to their residence) is done in centralized quarantine until the expiration of 21 days. One nucleic acid test is conducted on the second and last day of the continued quarantine. After completing quarantine, inbound Xianggu people should be monitored at home for seven days and need personal protection when going out.

13. Wuhan entry Policy

Foreigners coming to Wuhan must undergo 21 days centralized quarantine + 7 days home quarantine + 14 days community health management. It is highly recommended to call the Wuhan Citizens hotline 027-12345 and the destination community to avoid delaying your trip due to policy adjustment.

14. Dalian entry Policy

14+7+7 control measures:

14 days + 7 days of centralized quarantine + 7 days of one person-one household home quarantine (1 nucleic acid test before release).

Anyone suspected of deliberately concealing the history of overseas and extra-territorial residence, the history of lifting the new crown pneumonia cases, not truthfully declaring their health status, refusing to accept protective measures such as medical testing and quarantine, and other acts that disrupt the order of the epidemic prevention and control will be held legally responsible according to the relevant laws and regulations and included in the personal credit file as a person in breach of trust.

15. Jinan entry Policy

Jinan Port of Entry

Immediately after the entry, travelers are included in the local epidemic prevention and control system. They need to undergo 14 days of intensive quarantine medical observation. Special personnel such as border, diplomatic, economic and trade, scientific research, and technical cooperation personnel can apply to their district command, and take appropriate measures after approval. Five nucleic acid tests are conducted on the first day of the entry (customs) and the third, seventh, twelfth, and thirteenth day of intensive quarantine. After the quarantine, seven days of home health testing and one nucleic acid test on the second and seventh days of home testing -are required.

People entering Jinan at other ports in the province

The personnel entering Qingdao, Yantai, and Weihai ports in the province after the expiration of the centralized quarantine period will be taken back to Jinan Airport by the special pick-up team. After the airport work team has carried out the triage, personnel will be taken back to the county by the command of each district and county from Jinan Airport point to point.

● Centralized service points;
● Two nucleic acid tests (24 hours apart) at centralized service points;
● Continued home health testing until the 7th day after release from quarantine if the test is negative;
● One nucleic acid test on the 7th day at home.

Persons Arriving in Jinan after quarantine period at ports outside the province

The county command of the destination area immediately implements closed-loop management, grasping in advance the mode of transport and arrival time into Jinan. For those who return by public transport, registration at the county registration point after landing is required. Two nucleic acid tests (24 hours apart) are conducted at the centralized service point, and those who test negative continue with home health testing until the seventh day after quarantine release, and one nucleic acid test is conducted at home on the seventh day.

Those who come to Jinan for more than seven days and less than 14 days after the expiration of quarantine outside the province need one nucleic acid test upon arrival.

Macao arrivals

Those who have no history of foreign residence within the last 14 days and have a negative nucleic acid test certificate within seven days can pass freely with the green code. Those whose health code turns yellow after arriving in Jinan will get a nucleic acid test at the centralized testing point.

16. Shenyang entry Policy

Arrivals destined for Shenyang

Closed-loop transfer to a designated quarantine hotel for 28 days of intensive quarantine medical observation. Nucleic acid testing is conducted on days 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of the centralized quarantine, with the dual collection and double testing on days 14 and 28, and two antibody tests on days 7 and 14.

17. Harbin entry Policy

Overseas personnel arriving (returning) to Harbin

The 14+7 quarantine medical observation measures are applied. In other words, all persons entering the city directly from Taiping International Airport will be under centralized quarantined medical observation for 14 days. After the quarantine period expires and one passes the medical test, he shall continue seven days of home medical observation through the hand-to-hand closed-loop operation. Those who do not meet the conditions for home medical observation may continue centralized quarantined medical monitoring.

Persons entering from other ports of entry in the country

After centralized quarantine release (14 days), those who have not completed 21 days of quarantine, should report their personal information to the street (township), community (village), and stay for seven more days in home medical observation. Conducting nucleic acid testing is required. If they don’t meet the conditions for home medical observation they should stay in centralized quarantine for another seven days.

Passengers returning to Harbin from international extranational entry after quarantine and transfer

Report to the community for seven days of home health management followed by seven days of health monitoring.

18. Xiamen entry Policy

After 14 days of intensive medical observation, those entering Xiamen from abroad will undergo seven days of supervised medical observation organized by the District Health and Health Bureau and a nucleic acid test on the 7th day of the supervised medical observation period. The rest of the personnel will leave Xiamen after 14 days. Those whose destinations are outside Xiamen or Fujian Province will be sent on a point-to-point return transport and will not be allowed to stay in Xiamen.

19. Changchun entry Policy

The 14+14 day intensive quarantine medical observation measure continues to be implemented for persons returning from high-risk countries abroad. In other words, after 14 days of intensive quarantine at the port of entry, they will return to (come to) Ji for another 14-day quarantine.

The 14+7+7 days of intensive quarantine for persons returning from other countries is required.

After 14 days of intensive quarantine at the port of entry, they return (to) Ji for a further 7-day intensive quarantine, and then they are transferred to home quarantine for another seven days.

Persons entering the country after quarantine release in Jilin are under the community health follow-up management, and they are required to inform the medical institution of their abroad residence history if they seek medical consultation.

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Note: Since the policy frequently changes during the epidemic, for timely information on quarantine policy, please call the city hotline: area code + 12345.[/box]

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