About Us

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ur passions have been obvious to us since the very beginning – research, business, visual arts and mankind. We enjoy connecting people, business and creating new life stories thus making most of our friends, as well.

When we first met China our feelings were mixed. But why? Simply, people are different so we can be at the same time enthusiastic about new opportunities but also skeptical since we have already ingrained some prejudice due to our personal experience. We did the market research, we met China in a pretty direct way (living and working in China) and concluded that there was no reason to be prejudiced against.

Do you have any prejudice against China? Do you want to make connections with businesses in China or you just want to change your perspective moving to another continent?

Get ready for the adventure of meeting China.


We are taking you on this adventure wishing to help you avoid part of the problems we had at the beginning. Apart from the texts which were interested to us when we started our exploration of China, we will bring you daily news and occasional job offers so that you may feel more secure even today when making a decision.


Nenad is a manager by profession, but his passion led him to become a producer, organizer and businessman.

According to his personal traits Nenad is a connector, the person you address when you can’t do a certain job; he is the person who finds the hidden and not easily seen and the one who opens the door for you.[/one_half][one_half_last]

Dejana holds an MA in Political Science but her passion led her to become a researcher, marketer and a dependable woman. Her motto is promised=fulfilled.

According to her personal traits she is an analyst, the person you address to carry out some research on certain topic for you, the one who finds such information that will help you make a right decision.[/one_half_last]

[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””]Follow us and write to us. We are here to find the best solutions together.[/box]

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