
China’s First Giant Quarantine Station To Be Put Into Use

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hina’s first giant international health station providing quarantine and medical services to all inbound travelers is expected to be put into use in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong Province in late September, which could reduce the infection risk during quarantine and replace quarantine hotels.

Construction of the first phase of the station has been completed and the first batch of 184 medical staff started working in the station on Friday, 17th September.

The 250.000 square-meter station with 5.074 rooms is China’s first international health station to replace quarantine hotels.

The first batch of medical staff will work with the help of artificial intelligence equipment to reduce unnecessary contact.

Smart equipment can help travelers to have a temperature check, epidemiological investigation and check in and out, while a screen in the quarantine room can automatically upload health information and conduct temperature checks, with robots providing food and other daily necessities to travelers.

Guangzhou faces a considerable task in quarantine inbound travelers, who were previously quarantined in hotels that are close to densely populated areas in downtown Guangzhou experienced China’s first outbreak with the Delta variant in May 2021.

China’s top respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan said in June that building Guangzhou’s international health station in a suburban area can avoid cross infections during quarantine.

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