
How To Obtain A License Plate Number In China?

What you need for license plate nubmer in China?

1. The passport original and copy of the vehicle owner.

2. Certificate of origin of automobile such as purchase invoice.

3. Automibile factory certificate or automobile import certificate.

4. Tax payment certificate or tax exemption certificate of car purchase original.

5. The third page of compulsory automobile traffic accident liability insurance certificate original. If the original is lost, other originals or copies of the seal of the insurance company must be provided.

6. Certificate of payment or exemtion of vehicle and vessel tax.

7. Vehicle registration, transfer, cancellation / transfer application form. The unit trustee shall sign the application form and personal vehicle owners signature.

8. The agent shall also submit the original and copy of the agents identity certificate and written authorization of the motor vehicle owner. The agent shall sign the application form for registration, transfer, cancellation / transfer of motor vehicle.

9. Friction film for vehicle identification number.

10. Two standard pictures of the automobile.

11. Vehicles not imported by the customs and exempted from safety technical inspection according to the provisions of the competent department of motor vehicle products under the State Council, as well as motor vehicles that hvae not applied for registration within two years from the date of manufacture.

If an accident occurs before applying for registration, the motor vehicle safety technical inspection contract shall also be submitted. Certificate of conformity (valid for 30 days).

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Special note:

The valid Chinese Driving License is required if a foreigner drives in China, the international driving license is not recognized in China![/box]

Register license plate:

If foreigners buy cars in China for licensing, they need to provide a passport within validity period and Chinese residence certificate.

The idenitity certificate of the new vehicle license plate of the foreign personnel is the passport or other travel documents held at the time of entry, the valid visa or residence permit with a residence (parking) period of more than half of the year, and the accommodation registration certificate issued by the local public security organ.

Bring the vehicle certificate, purchase invoice, tax book of vehicle purchase tax and copies of relevant identity certificates to register and apply for number plate at the vehicle management.

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