
Three Main Ways For Foreigners To Work In China

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat are the basic requirements to apply for a work permit in China?


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]1. The applicant has completed two years of undergraduate studies;

2. 2 years of proven relevant work experience;

3. Employed by a workplace in China;

4. The hiring unit has normal business and tax payment.[/box]

Further more:

1. Category A talent with a commitment system without crime

The Shanghai region has implemented a „Notice + Promise“ system for foreign scientific and technological talents who do not meet the criteria for foreign top talents (Category A) and who are employed by creditworthy employers. The employer and the foreigner shall ensure the authenticity of the content of the undertaking.

For foreign nationals who are in China at the moment and are unable to leave China to obtain a certificate of innocence, this initiative is quite convinient.

2. Excellent Masters graduate, no need for 2 years of work experience

In January 2017, the Chinese government introduced new laws to make it easier for specific groups of people to find professional jobs in other sectors in China.

The following oficial note from the Government:

„In order to implement the Opnions on Deepening the Reform of the Institutional Mechanism for Talent Development, it is proposed to allow some outstanding foreign university graduates without work experience to work in China.

This means that any recent graduate from a Chinese univeristy studying a master’s degree programme is eligible to seek employment in the Chinese job market. This policy also extends to univerities outside of China. The higher the world ranking of the university, the higher the chance of success in visa applications.

It is also important to note that this policy is important for meeting the diploma requirement while keeping in mind the following two points:

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]1. Applicants need to apply for a job within one year of graduation;

2. The work must be relevant to the profession.[/box]

For example, if someone has a master’s degree in January 2021, he needs to find a suitable job by January 2022 and, furthermore, it must be in a position related to his studies.

3. Apply with 60 points or more

Point system classification for foreigners working in China:

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]1. Foreigners with 85 or more points can apply as Class A top talents;

2. Foreigners with 60 or more points may apply as Category B professionals;

3. Category C is not managed through the point system.[/box]

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