
Latest Trends of Foreigners Entering China in 2022

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter arriving at the first entry point in China, foreign personnel will conduct nucleic acid detection at the airport and be isolated at the designated place for 14-28 days (14 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 7-14 days of home isolation medical observation) according to the requirements of the epidemic prevention department at the entry point.

During and at the end of isolation, foreign personnel shall also conduct several nucleic acid tests according to the requirements of the local epidemic prevention and control center. If all test results are negative, the foreign personnel can end the isolation.

What should foreigners pay attention to before entering China?

1. Check whether the visa is still valid and whether the number of entries is sufficient.

2. If you need to carry animals, plants, currency, and other articles, you must abide by relevant Chinese laws and the relevant provisions of health quarantine, animal and plant inspection and quarantine, customs, and financial supervision departments.

3. Entering China shall not engage in activities unrelated to the reasons for visa declaration.

4. If it is necessary to extend the stay, it shall apply to the local public security organ for extension seven days before the expiration of the stay.

5. Without approval, foreigners shall not enter areas restricted to foreigners.

At present, what conditions do foreigners need to meet to enter China?

1. Holders of visas issued by embassies and consulates abroad after March 28 can enter China without restrictions on visa types. However, it should be noted that at present, the websites of the embassies of Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, and Russia have successively issued the notice of suspending the use of some valid Chinese visas.

2. Those who have visas that expired on March 28, 2020, and marked “work”, “private affairs” or “Reunion” in the column of “reason of residence” can re-apply for the corresponding visa to enter China.

3. If the words “work”, “private affairs” or “Reunion” are marked in the column of “reasons for residence” and the residence permit is still valid, you can apply for entry into China.

4. Foreigner Residence ID card, which is commonly referred to as China’s “green card”.

5. Diplomatic, official, courtesy, crew (C-word) Chinese visa.

[box type=”note” align=”” class=”” width=””]Note: at present, the types of valid entry visas that can be handled in China mainly include Z work visa, M business visa, Q2 humanitarian, x2 short-term study, which is easy to pass.[/box]

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