Life in China

A Guide To Apply For Category A Work Permit

How can I determine if a foreigner is in category A for top talent?

Foreign top talents in category A are:

– scientists,
– science and technology leaders,
– international entrepreneurs,
– talents who meet the needs of China’s economic and social development,
– talents who meet the criteria for point credit.

Foreign top talents are not subject to age and work experience restrictions.

If a foreign talent meets any of the following conditions, he/she will be classified as category
A and will be subject to “Green Chanel” and “Shortage Tolerance” services.

– Selected for the Domestic Talents Programs;
– Confirming the international criteria of professional achievement;
– Fulfilling the market demand for government-encouraged posts;
– Innovative and entrepreneurial talents;
– Outstanding young talents;
– Graded 85 points or more in the points-based system;

What are the facilitation measures for top talents (Class A) to apply for a work
permit for foreigners to come to China?

– Foreign top talents selected for relevant domestic talent programs, online process, no need to submit paper materials for verification;

– Foreign top talents (Category A) who meet the Classification Standards for Foreigners Working in China selected for the relevant domestic talent program, measure up to the internationally recognized standards for recognition of professional achievements, with proof of work qualifications based on a commitment system
(except for those who meet the criteria for recognition of professional achievements based on past work experience);

– Foreign high-end talents (Category A) who meet the Classification Standards for Foreign Working in China selected for relevant domestic talent programs; who meet internationally recognized criteria for recognition of professional achievements; foreign talents who meet the needs of market-oriented and encouraged job
categories; and innovative and entrepreneurial talents; with the highest degree (academic) certificate under the commitment system;

– Those who have already entered the country with other visas or valid residence documents may apply for a work permit for foreigners to come to China within the country;

– Once the application for a work permit for foreigners to come to China is in, the deciding body shall examine it and decide within five working days;

– Those who want to work in China for less than 90 days may apply for an invitation letter for foreign experts to come to China, and other foreign experts may accompany them. After obtaining the invitation letter for foreign experts to come to China, they can apply for an F visa, which allows multiple entries and exits, and they do not need to apply for a work-type residence permit after entering China;

– Work permit for foreigners to come to China is issued for no more than five years.

Those who qualify as top foreign talent (Category A) will also need to meet the following conditions before applying for a foreigner work visa.

– Shall be at least 18 years of age, be in good health, have no criminal record, have an identified employer in the territory, and have the necessary professional skills or appropriate level of knowledge to perform their work.

– The work they are engaged in meets the needs of China’s economic and social development, and they are professionals in urgent need in the country.

How to apply?

Foreigners outside China

Application Steps:

1. Notification Letter of Foreigner’s Work Permit
2. PU Application
3. Work Visa
4. Entry with a Z visa
5. Application for Foreigner’s Work Permit
6. Work Residence Permit

Foreigners in China

– Foreigners who have entered China and on certain conditions may apply directly for the Foreigner’s Work Permit.

– Apply for Foreigner’s Work Permit – Work-type Residence Permit (Entry and Exit).

– Apply for Notification Letter of Foreigner’s Work Permit – Work-type Residence Permit (Entry and Exit) – Application for Foreigner’s Work Permit.

Those who do not meet the condition mentioned above and have already entered China shall follow the procedure on the newly issued Notification Letter of Foreigner’s Work Permit.

Can employers pass the handling of the Foreigner’s Work Permit to an agent?

Employers may pass the handling of the Foreigner’s Work Permit to an agent registered in the Service System for Foreigners Working in China.

If the procedure of application, postponing, changing, canceling, or re-submitting are passed to a professional service agency, providing the Letter of Authorization of the employer and specifying the authorized entity and the matter(s) is necessary.

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]SOME TIPS ABOUT APPLYING FOR A RESIDENCE PERMIT

1. A foreigner can apply for a residence certificate, the extension, renewal, or reissue of a residence certificate. If their application meets the acceptance provisions, the Exit-Entry Administration of the public security organ will issue an acceptance receipt with a validity period of up to 15 days.

2. If the process or documents of an applicant do not meet the provisions, the Exit-Entry Administration will inform the applicant what procedures and documents he needs to redo or add.

3. If the passport or other international travel documents are received and stored for administrative handling, foreigners may legally reside in China on the strength of the acceptance receipt.

4. If a foreigner holding a study residence certificate needs to do fieldwork or internship, he shall apply to the Entry-Exit administration for a residence permit. He will later give additional information such as the location and duration of work-study or internship.

5. If a foreigner within the territory of China is unable to apply for a new passport or international travel document (due to loss, damage, theft, or robbery), he may apply to the Entry-Exit Administration of the local public security organ in the place of residence.

6. Foreigners holding exit and entry certificates indicating the area of stay, and foreigners entering the country temporarily and with a limited moving area approved by the exit and entry border inspection organ shall stay in the particular space.

– The number of entry times refers to the number of times the holder can enter the country within the validity of the visa.

– The entry period of a visa refers to the valid time range for the entry of the visa held by the holder. Unless otherwise specified by the issuing authority, the visa shall take effect from the date of issuance and shall expire at 24:00 Beijing time on the date of expiration.

– The term of stay refers to the time limit for foreigners’ stay after each entry, calculated from the next day of arrival. – Short term refers to staying in China for no more than 180 days.

– Long-term and permanent residence refers to a stay in China for more than 180 days. [/box]

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