Life in China

Guide for Pre-application for Outstanding Young Foreigners

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]utstanding young foreigners shall meet the following conditions:


1. Age between 18 and 35;

2. Good health and no criminal record;

3. Foreign graduates from well-known universities or those who have certificates of senior technicians for less than two years (may be relaxed appropriately) or who have completed three-year higher education and meet the cultivation conditions of management trainees;

4. Excellent academic performance and competence for work. In principle, the majors shall match the position employed (HSK level 4 or above can get 5 bonus points at most) and there must be no record of bad behavior in school.

The applicant shall first pre-apply at the application window based on the following materials and then go through general procedures.

Letter of application

It shall describe the employer information, personal information, and reason for employment and shall be affixed with the official seal. Original (1 paper).

Labor or employment contract

The contract provided shall be in Chinese. In principle, the content must include the work location, work content, remuneration, period of employment in China, position, necessary seal (signature) page, and shall not be altered. In principle, remuneration shall not be lower than the average salary of in-service employees in local urban employers. Photocopy (1 paper).

Academic transcripts and school’s letter of recommendation

The average score shall not be lower than 80 points (100 point system, other point systems should be converted into the 100 point system) or shall be above B+/B (grade system). Photocopy (1 paper).

Passport or international travel documents

The passport or international travel documents shall be valid and within the period of validity. Photocopy (1 paper).

Good health commitment letter

The good health commitment letter issued by the application company shall prove the Applicant’s competency for the position. Original (1 paper).

Certificate of no criminal record

The employer shall provide the applicant’s certificate of no criminal record (for those who have been in China for less than 3 months, a letter of commitment of no criminal record shall be submitted). Photocopy (1 paper).

Social security materials

Social security materials of Chinese employees of the application employer shall be provided. Photocopy (1 paper).

Other materials

1. All pre-application process paper materials submitted to the corresponding window can be a photocopy of the original.

2. When applying online, all paper materials must be provided with Chinese translations and uploaded in their color format electronically to the corresponding attachment location of the handling system.

3. After the online application is approved, bring all relevant original materials to the corresponding window according to the appointment time.

4. All non-Chinese certification materials submitted must be provided along with Chinese translations and stamped with the official seal of the employer (except for passport or international travel documents).

Approval time limit

Pre-application in the corresponding window. Subject to telephone notification.

Online application

1. Preliminary inspection period: 3 working days
2. Acceptance period: 8 working days (print online)

1. Applicants who have been in China for less than 3 months shall apply for a short-term work permit for foreigners to work in China (exemption from pre-application) under relevant regulations.

2. Applicants who have been in China for more than 3 months shall apply for a long-term work permit for foreigners to work in China according to relevant regulations.

3. Classification and review shall be carried out following the first paragraph of other foreign personnel (Category-C).

4. At the time of application, employers must submit certification materials that the number of Chinese youth (30 years old and below) recruited in the previous year is not smaller than the number of outstanding young foreigners (commitment letter shall be submitted at the time of the first application).

5. Capital’s high-end, precision and cutting-edge industry recognition can refer to the “Beijing High-end Precision and Cutting-edge Industry Registration Guidance Catalog” and “Key Enterprise of Expanding and Opening of Beijing Service Sector”; “Three Cities and One Area” refers to Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City, and Future Sci-Tech City and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area.

6. After obtaining the permission notice, applicants can apply for the “Foreigner Work Permit” online following the general process with a valid work visa.

7. The employers shall meet the following requirements:

1) The application employers must be enterprises or public institutions in line with the development orientation of capital’s high-end, precision, and cutting-edge industries, in “Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City, and Future Sci-Tech City and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area” and carry out a comprehensive trial of expanding opening-up of the municipal service sector;

2) The employers established by the law, without violation or bad record and with good credit;

3) In the same year, the number of young people recruited from China shall not be smaller than that of outstanding young people from foreign countries;

4) Total quantity control shall be implemented throughout the city.

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