FoodsLife in China

Chinese Food Styles

How many Chinese food styles do you know? The food of China is diverse, regional and comes with all sorts of interesting ingredient combinations.

This is a great place to start in understanding what makes up Chinese food with Shandong, Fujian, Beijing, Shanghai, Hunan, Cantonese and Szechuan so different.

Knowing the different styles of Chinese food will help you pick the right one to match your tastes. For example, if you like sweeter food with sauces you will be looking at Cantonese, want a spicy kick and you should be ordering Szechuan.

Szechuan Cuisine is known for being spicy and really bold. In Sichuan dishes you can easily find chili, Sichuan peppercorn, garlic, ginger, peanuts and sesame paste.

Cantonese Cuisine is proved to be so much sweeter than any other Chinese cuisine styles. It is made by braising, stewing and is mixed with variety of sauces.

Hunan Cuisine is really fresh made, from local ingredients and therefore quite a delight.

These ingredients are sautéed, stir-fried, steamed or smoked. So, if you decide to eat Hunan style expect rich, creamy and moist dishes along with crisp vegetables.

Shanghai Cuisine is modification of cuisines from provinces near Shanghai. It is well known for its ingredients – alcohol, salted meats, seafood, and vegetables.

Beijing Cuisine is for you if you like fried food in small portions. Main ingredients are soy, sesame paste, scallions, and poultry with sweet and sour flavors.

Fujian Cuisine is proved to be much lighter than other cuisine styles. Our most favorite dish is soup, and you can find them sweet, sour or spicy.

Shandong Cuisine main ingredient is fish, and is often mixed with peanuts, grains, and vegetables.


So, did you know that Chinese food is good for your health? Yes? But do you know which ingredients have health benefits you cannot ignore?

  • Seafood – good source of proteins, minerals and vitamins. High quantities of heart – healthy Omega 3 fat acids.
  • Broccoli – high in vitamins A, C, Calcium and Fiber. It is believed to have cancer – fighting Phytochemicals.
  • Ginger – aids in healthy digestion. Can help reduce inflammation from certain diseases.
  • Garlic – can protect you against certain cancers. May help lower the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol.
  • Chili Peppers – spicy food gives your metabolism a boost. Chili peppers can reduce harmful effects of bad cholesterol.

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