
WAI Robot For Foreigners Working In China Online

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]AI robot is the robot of the intelligent question answering system of foreign talents in Shanghai. Because it focuses on work permits in China and serves foreigners, the name WAI (W means Why, What, AI means Artificial Intelligence) is easy to remember and catchy!

What are the functions of a WAI robot?

WAI robot has set up a complete knowledge base of work permit data for work permits in Shanghai, optimizing relevant algorithms and recommending high-frequency questions. Users can get answers in the shortest time, and it is easy to use them. This system is convenient for employers and applicants. It optimizes the online services handling the Work Permit for Foreigners in Shanghai.

How to use a WAI robot?

1. Follow the Wechat account of “Foreign talents in Shanghai”.
2. Click WAI BOT to enter.
3. WAI bot will push some high-frequency questions to you.
4. Click to get a detailed answer.
5. You can also enter WORDS.
6. Get the answer you want.

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