Life in China

The Benefits Of Living A Good And Healthy Life In China

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If you haven’t, this is your chance to ask the question and maybe get and answer to it.


[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hina today is perceived by many as the country of the future bearing in mind its fast technological development and what is more important, the use of technology in everyday life.

Such constellation of things especially favors foreigners who would like to live in China.

Thanks to technological accomplishments and lack of knowledge of Chinese language, they do not even have to leave their house to get everything done.

[box type=”info” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””]The majority of affairs in China is settled by software applications which are tailored to the needs of foreigners and if there are any that do not serve the purpose there is a large number of those that simultaneously translate all Chinese symbols into the desired foreign language with just a simple scan by a mobile telephone.[/box]

Shopping in China is almost entirely done online and they have a very developed system of online sale which people even use to buy cars.

However, what is most important is that this is a state system entirely digitalised so all bureaucratic procedures that you would have to fullfill in your home country are dealth with online in China.

From paying bills to obtaining different kinds of documents and necessary information, everything can be finished digitally in a couple of seconds and paperless. It is worth noting that new online services appear almost every day.

Such way of functioning leads us to another important matter which is the lack of stress.

The Chinese have generally a much relaxed attitude towards life in comparison to western civilisations. Zen that they propagate is a conseqeunce of a deeply rooted confuchianism as the primary life philisophy based on taoism and budism.

Someone once said that everything is managed with smile in China and he was not far from the truth. The most important thing taught by confuchianism is a life without stress, corectness and philantropy and they are deeply rooted in their upbringing.

Any Chinese will put an effort to help you if you are in trouble and to facilitate your life as much as possible in their country. In contrast to other nations in the world, Chinese are very inclined towards foreigners especially Europeans. Therefore, many will perceive you as a celebrity which can open many doors for you and make you enjoy excellent treatment wherever you find yourself.

As hosts, Chinese are very dear, kind and serving. Entirely strange people will accept you in China with a smile and will try to advise you or assist you in anything without asking them twice. Chinese are rather friendly and easy so you might easily befriend new people.

With these two very important facts for someone just arriving in China, there is a third one which actually derives from the previous two and it is environmental awareness. Although China was treated earlier as a country – polluter, bearing its developed industry and large population, in the past years this has drastically changed thanks to new regulations.

China today works a lot on building and raising environmental awareness especially in big cities. The traffic is switching ever more to biologically and ecologicaly acceptable fuels while the recycling system is perhaps the most developed in the world.

When talking about environmental awareness, one should take into account natural beauty, extremely well developed nature and perfect vegetation which allows conclusions that China and Asia are perhaps becoming one of the heavens on Earth.

Once you add to that healthy diet, which is tastefull and cheap, the largest choice of teas in the world, these and other kinds of benefits make people go to China not just for tourism but also because of a much better life it has to offer enriched with full detoxication and mental cleansing.

In short, complete physicall and mental rebirth.

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